Dear Ma,
India is in great danger today. It is attacked by many forces. And your enemies are united, even if it is in disunity, even if it is a temporary arrangement based on a common hatred. Christian conversions, the onslaught of Muslim fundamentalism, the abhorrence of communists for Hinduism, the infinite dangers of Globalisation and Americanisation, Sonia Gandhi’s dangerous hold over the intellectual elite of India and her agenda of minority prodding against the majority community of India…
There are so many great gurus incarnated in India at the moment. Yet not only are they not united against the common enemy (or for the common good), but they often compete against each other for disciples or territory and even criticize each other.
As a Westerner, a lover of Hinduism and India, it shocks me.
Disunity has always been the curse of India and whichever enemy conquered this country, did it not because of superior strength, but because they were helped by Hindu betrayers. Remember the last great Hindu empire, that of Vijaynagar.
The Christians have a Pope, the Muslims the word of the Koran, communists have Der Kapital of Karl Marx, but Hindus are fragmented in a thousand sects, which often bicker with each other.
It is thus of vital importance that Hindu gurus and swamis regroup under one umbrella. Each group and guru will retain its leadership and autonomy but will meet three times a year to review the situation and issue edicts will be binding to hundreds of millions of Hindus all over the world.
There are too many gurus and swamis all over India and the world and it would not be possible to assemble them all in one group. Thus I propose that the twelve gurus in India who have the most disciples, represent all the other swamis and gurus. Amongst them of course, we should find Satya Sai Baba, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, yourself, the Shankacharya of Kancheepuram, Guruma of Ganeshpuri, Shri Ramdev etc.
The leadership of this group will be rotated every year and so can membership for that matter, as there are quite a few other gurus of India who have a huge following.
It is not only Hinduism which is at stake, but the Sanatan Dharma, the Knowledge Infinite which came down, through the ages and has survived today only in India in a partial form. This Knowledge only can save the world.
Long Live Mother India