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The Hindu of the future world

Writer's picture: Francois GautierFrancois Gautier

The future of Hindus in India is endangered: Hindus are becoming a minority in many parts of Kerala (Santhosh, a BJP worker, was recently murdered in Kannur),in Assam, in West Bengal and some districts of UP and Bihar. They cannot start a business, buy land or build a house in Jammu and Kashmir, but Kashmiris from the Valley open shops all over India, though they don’t feel they belong to this country. Hindu temples – still under a @BJP4IndiaGovt – are subject to Government control and their funds are seized, while mosques and churches are totally free.

In a land where Hindus are the overwhelming majority, Hindus are still a fair target for its Media, its intellectuals, NGO’s, the Judiciary even. Their traditions and ancient customs, such as Holicolors, Jalikkatu or firecrackers, are being eroded and made fun off.

The Constitution of India favours minorities, to which it grants many rights – to divorce upon pronouncing three words, subsidies to fly to the Mecca, a foreign country that has often been inimical to India, grants to Christian schools who indoctrinate Hindus, to madrasas that fanaticize their youth – but no such thing to Hindus, specially if they do not belong to the lower castes. Brahmins have become ostracized in many parts of India, like in Tamil Nadu, where they have very little access to Govt posts, but the Government, both Central and State, goes overboard to please the Muslim minority so as to get their ever more powerful vote; which is sometimes enough to get elected – is it not so, Mrs Mamta Banerjee?

The world of literature, intelligentsia and Journalism is peopled by Hindus indeed – but descendants of Macaulay’s chirldren, who for ever see India through the very negative prism of western eyes and culture and keep denigrating and downgrading their own culture. Christian children learn catechism in their schools and churches, Muslim kids are all taught the Koran very young, from whichever class they come from, rich or poor, but Hindu children are not grounded in the Bhagavad Gita, the greatest book of knowledge ever, that should become the Bible of the future of this Planet, nor in Kalidasa, one of the most brilliant poets ever, on par with Homer or Shakespeare, nor know about Sri Aurobindo’s Foundations of Indian Culture or Life Divine, such major works of philosophy, that they have not lost one line of relevance in a hundred years. On the contrary, in their schools, universities, they are taught only western concepts and subjects, that make them lose their Hindu-ness and become good for export – indeed, the greatest brain drain in the world, is that of the Hindus, who go to enrich the faculties and research centers, and medical corps and engineering and software reservoirs all over the world, particularly in the US, UK and Canada, never come back and their children and grand children are lost for ever for India.

But it’s in politics that Hindus are the most deprived. Though there is today a Hindu party in power, most of the outward actions of the Government and the Prime Minister are not for the Hindus – whose support is taken for granted – but towards the minorities. The Prime Minister and its core group will take care to wish Muslims ontheir holy festivals, to receive Muslim dignitaries – for this Republic Day Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahya – or Muslim actors, such as @AamirKhan, who makes fun of Hindus in his films, but they mostly ignore Hindus and their leaders. We see that Europe, or the US are not ashamed to proclaim themselves as Christian countries. Forget about @DonaldJ.Trump, even an Obama, who has African and Muslim roots, is sworn in on the Bible and prays fervently to the Christ. But in India, the word ‘Hindu’ is dirty and we see no politicians, @BJP4India or otherwise, swear by the Gita or the Upanishads.

Yet, the knowledge that stands behind Hinduism, can save the world. For Hinduism is not a religion, but a universal spirituality that recognizes that God can manifest Himself or Herself at different times, using different names and different scriptures. This is why a Hindu today is able to enter a mosque or a church, but the reverse is not true. Indeed, Hindu Tolerance has been a one-way traffic and the Hindu Genocide has been the greatest, cruelest and most bloody in the history of Humanity. It is recorded too: Teimur’s killing of a hundred thousand Hindus in one day is history, Yes, Mr @SaifAliKhan, you did not name your son innocently. So is Aurangzeb’s cruelty towards Hindus, their temples and their customs, in thousands of firmans with the Emperor’s seal. Nevertheless, Hindus continue to accept the Other regardless of this bloodshed and their spiritual leaders such as @SriSri, teach techniques that can be practiced not only by Hindus, but also by Muslims, Christians, westerners, Chinese… Meditation, hata yoga and pranayama are taking the word by storm and more and more this Knowledge, that comes from India, will permeate the world and lead it from Darkness to Light:

sato ma sadgamaya

Tamaso ma jyotirgamaya

Mrtyor ma amritamgamaya

Lead us from non-being to being

Lead us fromdarkness to light

Lead us fromdeath to immortality

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