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Nostradamus & India

Writer's picture: Francois GautierFrancois Gautier

Very few people know that Nostradamus, the famous French astrologer & doctor of the 16th century, who foresaw Hitler’s rise, the Iraq war, or the Wall Street collapse, made quite a few predictions about India, both in old French and Latin, the language of the learned of these days.

For instance, in his Quatrain N° III.3, he predicts the Tsunami of 2000:

Mars &Mercure, &l’argentioint ensemble,

Vers le Midy extreme ficcité:

Au fond d’Asieet des Indes, on diraterre tremble,

Et la mer se levera.

It’s the line Au fond d’Asieet des Indeson diraterre tremble which tells it all: “in the depth of Asia, and India, the earth will shake and the sea will rise.

He alsoprophesized the rise of the ISIS &Al Qaeda, as well as India’s suffering:

En Arabienaîtraunroi puissant de la loi de Mahomet,

quidomineral’Europe et par la discorde,

lanégligencefrançaiseS’ouvrira un passage à Mahomet (aux arabes)


“In Arabia, a powerful Lord of Mahomet’s law will be born,

who will dominate Europe

France’s negligence will open the door to the Arabs

And India will suffer much”.

In 2012, French scholar and Nostradamus specialist,Bamprelle de la Rochefoucault, discovered in an old trunk bought two hundred euros to an antics dealer, old manuscripts which have been analyzed and found to be of the 15th century. There are quite a few stanzas devoted to India, which is named here as Indicus in Latin and Indes in old French.

One of them relates to a possible Indo-Pakistani nuclear war:

XXIX :Le Griffon Indes se peutaprester

Pour à l’ennemyrésister ,

Et renforcerbien son armée,


Qui d’un abord le surprendra,

Six cens et huict, merenflammée.

“The eagle India should get ready and reinforce its army,

Otherwise the Elephant (Pakistan) will surprise her

By putting to flame its people and the sea”

But did Nostradamus see the advent of the @BJP4India and @narendramodi? Apparently yes:

In his IV, 50 stanza, for instance, he predicts:

Deux mil quatorze verra regner les Hindoos,

De ciel & terre tenir la Monarchie,

D’Asie forces nul ne verra peries,

“Hindus will reign from 2014 onwards

They will rule heaven and earth

Nobody will resist them in Asia”

Nostradamus is even accurate about the name of the leader of the Hindus. This stanza is in Latin:

Indus supremus gudjaratus status natus est

Patrus Theus boutiqus, studium bonus est

Namusprimum narendus est

“The supreme leader of India will beborn in the state of Gujarat

His father will sell tea in a shop

His first name will be narendus (Narendra)”

He goes on to foretell Narendra Modi’s career:

Tribus gudjaratus statum princeps est

Quae stillabunt optimum est

Honestus indicus est

“He will become three times leader of Gujarat state

Where business will be at its best

And honesty will reign”

Nostradamus seems to be speaking next about Sonia Gandhi:

Alba femina indicus supremus regnus est

Improbus eius regnum decem annum est

Autem impetus narandus facere

“A white woman will rule supreme on India

Dishonesty will spread for ten years

However Narendra will fight her”

He also seems to have a clear idea about the party of Narendra Modi:

Groupus indicus hindosus

Groupuspopulo indicus

Regum est vingiti unus saeculum

“The political group of the Hindus

will be called theParty of the Indian people (BJP)

it will dominate India in the 21st century”

Why is the Hindu power good for India? Nostradamus explains:

Hindosus universalus doctrinum est

Misericordia populo orbis

Deus diversitas est potestatem

“Hindus have auniversal doctrine

They see God in the Many

And they have compassion for all”

Then Naostradamus goes on to enunciate the goals of Narendra Modi:

Avertat lex septuaginta

opera facto unum

aedificarem domum hindosus Ramus

vivificabit Kashmirum

“Remove Article 70

Institute a Common Civil code

Build a temple to the Hindu Ram

Preserve Kashmir”

But Nostradamus has a word of warning for Mr Modi:

Maledictus Hindosus coniuriato

Narendu idealus non dabo et Hindosus

Aliter perdet potestatem

“The curse of Hindus is betrayal

Thus Narendra should not betray his ideals

And the Hindus

Or he will lose power”

But If the BJP remains faithful to its initial goals and to Hindus, then, says the French Seer:

“Grandus cognitio Hindosus

en mundo scio

et salvum facere Apocalypsus”

“the Knowledge of the Hindus

will spread to the world

and save humanity from Apocalypse”

Translated from the French and Latin by François Gautier

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